Tuesday, November 4, 2008

so now what ... i'm smiling ... be careful ...

great ... you voted ...


no matter who wins your community needs help ...

all the ime and energy you spent canvassing, promoting, organizing and the loot you contributed to fundraisers you OWE it to your community to commit at least 1/2 of that to a local organization over the next year!

if you haven't noticed the trickle down theory hasn't been working ... and w/ the finacial climate there's not much to trickle down! we have to invest in our own community fiscally, spiritually and w/ our time and sweat equity. everyone knows someone that organized and/or promoted a fundraiser. make sure those people pick a local organization to do the same type of event for!

hller at me about how you can et involved w/ SOL y SOUL or other great organizations. i've got contact around the world w/ pople that are doing great works. figure out your passion/cause and commit some time to it. even if it's something that's not for the community. do it. but make sure you find a way to provide some good for someone other than yourself in some way, shape, fashion or form when doing "your thing"!

i talked to my 94 yr old grandmother today ...
she was getting dressed whil she was waiting for someone to pick her up so that she could go vote! that' fly!

she knows my voice ... she calls me by different names every now and then but she knows who i am ... my grandmother may be able to witness a black president or a civil war/race. either one will make her happy. i know she;s tired of seeing our people playing the role of the fool. she wants to see us shine. she's love to see a black president. and would also be proud to see us fight back against injustice.

i just want everyone to be careful tonight!


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